Sunday, April 19, 2009

when the whine becomes intolerable...

...chances are the kid is really, reeeallly sleepy.

a few nights ago, niek started having mini-tantrums, which, after about 10 minutes, turned into a full-blown meltdown* that had me more flustered than i had been before. (i'm usually pretty meltdown-resistant-- it normally doesn't affect me and i go about my business until the kid doing the melting stops...because seriously kid, you need to quit that shit.)

anyway, so picture this. niek going nuts. me asking "what the fuck is wrong with him???" me saying "niek go sit down so you can eat." niek leaving the kitchen.

and then literally, within 30 seconds, i see this:

awww nieky!! i felt bad for a second, but then i got over it.

*mini-tantrum: slight whining, still able to communicate why unhappy, though doesn't get appeased with much unless it's contraband of some sort. in niek's case, contraband=anything involving sugar and artificial colors/flavoring.
meltdown: whining reaches nails on a chalkboard equivalence. kid is on the floor kicking and crying--although i think it's more of a shrieking--and even the contraband is no longer good enough. ie: I DON'T WANT BLUE M&M I WANT A LELLOW ONE!!! that type of thing.

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