Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a conversation with artin re: mommy and her bad, UNFAIR ideas...

artin loves numbers and math the way i love...well, sleep and food. one would think "but who DOESN'T love sleep and food" and the answer is artin. actually i don't think any kid worth a shit loves sleep, right? no offense to anyone whose kid loves sleep--but come on. anyway, i digress.

it was his turn for sharing bag today and i suggested he take a connect-4 style game called 'toot and otto'--one person has to try to spell toot, the other otto, and whoever spells theirs first wins. educational enough. here was the conversation that followed my suggestion.

artin: but mommy, toot and otto is only a two-person game
me: but you guys can get into two groups and still play. it involves teamwork! (score one point for mommy for promoting social skills and emphasizing the importance of working together! yeah!! or not.)
artin: but mommy, we can't do that. we are an odd number. there's odd kids. (lulz @ odd also meaning weird...except he meant there are 13 of them.)
me: so one team will have one more person. big deal.
artin: mommy? that wouldn't be fair. so i think we can say that's not a good idea. toot and otto--BAD IDEA. (he then continued to gesture his hands wildly and bug his eyes out at me, in case i missed just how bad an idea this was.)

i should mention that sharing bag stresses me out sometimes. it can't be a toy, it has to be educational, and it usually involves a theme of some sort. he ended up taking a book on the life cycle of trees, what with it being spring and all. even though it's snowing today. book on trees--GOOD IDEA.

1 comment:

  1. I will never understand how he doesn't like food or sleep.
