Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sometimes, curiosity should be nipped in the bud.

nighttime reading tonight with artin quickly took a turn toward the awfully awkward. it's my fault for encouraging him to ask questions and chime in with his own ideas! so it went a little something like this:

we're reading a book. the book mentions continents. artin says all the continents used to be connected. we go to the globe. i show him how south america and africa can almost fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. he points to the north pole. we say "brrr!" he points to the south pole. i say "hey that's where the penguins are." [hmm. it looks as though this may be the turning point. so it might actually all be my fault, and not all his. interesting.] he says yes, they're there, but they're all dying. because of global warming. the ice is melting. there won't be any more snow. maybe in two years, we won't even have christmas. i tell him that christmas isn't about the cold. that it's when christians celebrate the birth of jesus christ. we start talking about the j-man. he was a prophet. did he have a mommy and daddy? hm. well. he had a mommy but not a daddy. that's why they call his mommy the virgin mary.... .... .... .... .... mommy, what's a virgin? UMMMMMM it's when someone isn't married yet. if a girl doesn't have a husband, then she's a virgin. mommy are boys virgins too? yeah, if a boy isn't married to a girl then he's a virgin. (rushed) come on honey, we need to finish this because you have to go to bed so let's just keep reading ok?

dude. wtf? this sucked on multiple levels. now only married people can make babies?? girl with boy, boy with girl?? i mean, i basically told him what every bible-thumping ignant ass here tells their kids*, minus the jesus also being God, even though God is his Father, so He is His own Son crap**...oh, and i went back and capitalized references to god...er...God so that I may decrease the risk of my blasphemous spewage sending me to hell. i'm sure there are some kids at his school that will tell him about the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

hopefully he'll hang out with the jewish kids tomorrow.

*a small correction. i don't think all religious people are ignorant. but i have noticed that most ignant folk do more of thumping of the bible than not. coincidence? i'll let you decide for youselves.

** also, i mean no offense about the Father and Son deal. but seriously? isn't God way too great to be humanized? i think that's blasphemous. word.


  1. ROFLMAO!!! omg, azi, that is too damn hilarious.

    Oh, I love Martini...
