Saturday, May 2, 2009

old lady and her skateboard

in an effort to remain relevant and prolong the inevitable*, i've decided to take up skateboarding. i'm trying to teach myself, and by "teach myself" i mean roll back and forth on the driveway and avoid a faceplant by skating over a twig, which i already failed at. and by failed at, i mean i skated over a 2 mm twig and fell. on my face. and hands and knees. how does one manage to fall on one's face AND hands and knees? sheer talent. try it. i bet you can't fall on all three at the same time. but i did. and it freakin' hurt! being the trooper that i am however, i decided to keep trying. i can now sort of turn the board. before you know it, i'll be heading over to the skate park down the street and asking the 8-year olds how to ollie. (ario asked me if i wanted him to bring me my rollerblades. oh the love).

i know i have shitty ass form, but that's mostly because i don't care about form. my main concern is to prevent my head from busting open, which for my clumsy, uncoordinated ass, is a pretty lofty goal. no where to go but up!

oh, and see that little rc car? it rocks. and it's fast! that's all.

*you know, getting older and shit**
**pardon all the footnotes. i'm reading infinite jest and it has A LOT of footnotes.

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