Sunday, February 15, 2009


ugh. the last week has been shitty to say the least. not only did i give up the most perfect little golden retriever puppy that has ever lived, but all three kids were sick. as in SICK. avisa had a fever of 105, niek's peaked at around 103, artin had earache and sore throat. it was a mess. they're at the point now that minor aches and runny noses are nothing compared to the germ-infected beings they were just four days ago.

and now it's my turn. my eyes are watering like crazy, my nose is all stuffy--which begs the question: do i take antihistamines or a decongestant?? antihistamine would stop my watery eyes, but would also stuff my nasal cavity more. decongenstants could get my nose cleared up, but then my eyes would turn into spigots. i would say a time like this is as good a time as any to take up heavy alcohol consumption.

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