Friday, February 20, 2009

how did i not know of this before?

and more importantly, WHY is it not a national phenomenon? or is it, and i'm just out of tune?

please meet my new best friend:

long story short: you squirt isotonic saline solution up one nostril, and squeal with concurrent disgust and delight at the rinse coming out of the other nostril. maybe the squeal is just me. but you know how people compare great things to sliced bread? well, THIS is going to be my analogy instead of sliced bread. because bread? fuck it. i don't need it sliced. but this? this is everything i love in orifice-cleanliness (yeah, i said it. orifice.) packaged into a sinus cleaning, mucus clearing little miracle disguised in a squirt bottle.

you know who will love this? ario's mom. i can't wait to buy one for her. and i will continue to forge my place as her favorite, above ario and hopefully one day above arash. one day, one day. :)

oh, and you know what else? i'm addicted to this. like, i do it, and then five minutes later, i think i should do it again. i asked artin to watch me about 20 times before he gave an exacerbated sigh and said "Okay, but just ONCE mommy, OK???" speaking of, they have a kid version. i will get that kid hooked on this shit too. we'll be saline squirting bums together. hey, of all the things you could squirt up your nose, i'd say a little saline solution is the least of all evils.

so. let's try out my new analogy reference.
omg, have you seen the bagel cutters??? they're, like the BEST thing since nasal irrigators!!

in this case, it works even better than sliced bread, because bagel cutters basically slice bread, so you would say "hey, this bread slicer (more or less) is the best thing since...sliced bread." just sounds dumb.

nasal irrigation wins. hands down.


  1. first you thought it would be useless, but then you realized it's snot.

  2. it's a squirt bottle?!?! i thought it was a little blue tea-pot thing! god now im confused. i really need to take my ass to CVS and pick this up. your analogy rocks, btw.
