Thursday, February 5, 2009

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

we had the first real snowstorm last week, about 10 to 12 inches in a two day period. schools closed, my work was yet another bit of evidence that i should not work and stay home. i managed to make the day semi-educational too. kids learned that you can eat snow if it's fresh and not yellow (or brown, as Artin diligently pointed out *every* single time they grabbed a handful of snow..."It's not yellow, OR BROWN!!!") Yeah, Avisa might have a poo fetish, but Artin and Niek don't.

Not. Going. To. Work...

See how Ario's car has no snow on the windshield? he left it ON. for like, a whole hour. why? because he was too damn lazy to scrape off all the ice underneath the snow. we live in a very environment-conscious neighborhood. they probably all hate us, and if it wasn't such a waste, would probably toilet paper our house.

(it hasn't yet).

Avisa touched snow and freaked out, so she didn't spend too much time playing outside. Niek kept taking off his gloves and crying because his hands would get cold. He eventually figured out that he can play with snow AND have his gloves on at the same time. He's a genius, that one.

Take note of our neighbor shoveling...he is an overachiever and you will soon see why.

Artin offering me a "stick popsicle"

Eventually the kids were worn out, so we came inside, had some cookies with hot chocolate and watched Horton Hears a Who.

The little girl is the ADORABLE Xavier, Niek's friend.

Okay, do you see OUR sidewalk? It is shoveled to the exact width of the shovel. I did not feel the need to shovel the whole damn sidewalk. Overachieving neighbor, however, DID. He shoveled his whole driveway too. I told him I would gladly do some *extra* shoveling and move snow onto his perfectly salted, cleared sidewalk.

Avisa, waiting to get some grub:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nieks girlfriend is VERY cute :)
    But isn't xavier a boys name?
