Sunday, June 14, 2009


i have lots to write about but haven't quite had the time to sit down and do it. among those topics: artin's graduation night, how much it sucks to work more than three days a week, and how amazing it is to have a BOARD-CERTIFIED RADIOLOGIST HUSBAND!!! yay!! ario passed his you will hear all about how great it is to actually not be a single parent anymore :)

but for now i'm in california, enjoying the life of not doing anything other than just hanging out at my mom's house. hopefully i'll have tons of pictures and videos of the kiddies to go with everything i hope to do while here. be back in a few weeks :)

1 comment:

  1. Coolio, so that's what's been happening. Feel free to pass on the pics from my mom and dad's wedding@@ and have a great time!
