Thursday, July 23, 2009

avisa finally looks like the demon child that she really is

avisa. avisa, avisa, avisa. she will most definitely give me a heart attack when she's a teenager, as she is already giving me ulcers at the tender age of 18 months. she thinks the concept of "No" is rather funny, and instead of stopping whatever it is she's doing that forces a stern "NO!" to begin with, she takes great joy in the challenge that is then presented to her: should i run? or should i RUN? 9 times out of 10, she RUNS. like, RUNSSSSSSS. if you aren't sure of how an 18-month old can actually escape a full-grown, relatively agile adult, then picture a fat-diaper-butt baby taking flight and moving in a zig-zag fashion over toys spread across the floor and around furniture, all the while with her head turned back to laugh at said adult, thus NOT watching where the hell she's running. it's frightening--and, pretty freakin' hilarious. you can imagine how hard it is to maintain discipline when i'm laughing half the time. so basically she's becoming more and more of a hellion.

so she was at school and was walking on one side of the deck when one of her teachers came to get her because it was time to go inside. avisa, being avisa, decided she could outrun the teacher and stay outside, because surely the teacher would give up and avisa would be free at last! well, she started, and i quote from the incident report, "running away from the teacher, tripped, and fell on the ledge of the deck."

she looks like she belongs in star trek. honestly if she wasn't my kid, i don't know if i could look at her....she looks creepy as all hell with her freakin' cyclops bump. and on top of the fact that my own child gives me the hibbyjibbies, i have to come to terms with the fact that i will probably have a mutant teenager, possibly with many bruises and scrapes on her knees. so here she is, in all her ogre-ish glory.


  1. OMG my poor mini-me!!!! What happened to her beautiful hair?! She looks like spock!!!

  2. poooorrr baby!! awkhey :( azi, please take her to a professional to cut her hair.
